Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Year in Review

As I think about this year that is almost over nothing really major jumps out at me.  I'm just glad we didn't move again.  So hopefully as I go through writing this post some things will come to mind that will make this year stand out a little.

January:  My little Rose Petal was in Florida being trained to be a productive equine citizen.  As I look back at the pictures, I see how much she has matured over the last year.  She still looks like a baby in some of these pictures.

We set up a fish tank.  It was something I had been wanting to do for years but the circumstances were never right until now.  My daughter and I spent a lot of time doing this that first month.

My little girl turned four and there was cake.  The yummy chocolate kind with chocolate frosting.  Now if only I could teach her to make this for me.

My daughter got Candyland for her birthday.  So guess what we played a lot of?  She enjoys it though so we play.

February:  Snowpocolypse.  Need I say more?  

The poor dog can't even find a place to pee!

Tough going for toddlers!

It started as a Ford Explorer...

A short drive into the city to dig up some dinosaur bones.  We originally went in for a whale exhibit but I she had just as much fun with the dinosaur stuff.  The Carnegie Museum of Natural History is a pretty nice place to visit if you get the chance.  

My trip to Florida to see Rosie while she was in training.  This was such a wonderful trip!  Even though it was pretty cold in Florida I had a great time.

Wow, this is getting kind of long.  I think I will break the memories up into two month increments just so I have some hope of getting most of this posted before March.

Back to Normal

Well, the in-laws headed home yesterday after coming in for Christmas.  It was nice to see them but it is always nice to get back to normal too.  Unless you are my daughter who goes on a crying jag every time we have to leave family.  It's hard living so far from any family.

I made it out to the barn to see Rosie today.  I hadn't seen her since the Monday before Christmas.  It's times like these that I really wish I could keep her at home.  To be able to just give her a pat while feeding or something would be better than not seeing her for over a week.  Someday I will have my own place.  I didn't ride, I tweaked my back before Christmas and it is still really bothering me.  Stupid sciatica.  If it keeps bothering me I guess I will have to head to the doctor. What a way to ring in the new year, but chronic pain isn't high on my list of things to do.  Anyways, back to Rosie.  I took her out, brushed her and then lunged her for a bit in the indoor.  She was happy to get out and kick up her heels for a bit.  The barn where I board does turn out every other day.  Mostly because they don't have enough pasture space to turn all the horses out everyday.  It's not my ideal but all the other positives outweighed that negative.  On the days that I know she is going to be in I try and get out there and at least let her graze on the lawn for a bit.  Rosie did well lunging as usual.  I even took her down to the scary end of the indoor.  You know, where the horse eating monsters live.  She tried to cut the corners a bit at first but eventually she went fine.  After we finished lunging I walked her over to the Cave of Death or as I call it, the corner of the indoor.

After it was determined that we weren't facing certain annihilation we walked calmly out of the arena to go eat some grass.  What little of it there is this time of year anyways.

The new year is already filling up with things to do.  My daughter's birthday is towards the end of this month and she wants to have her party at Chuck E. Cheese.  Heaven help my agoraphobic self.  Then there is the usual doctors/dentist/oil change appointments that have to be taken care of.  Stay with me now, I know the excitement is about to send you off your chair but please contain yourself.

Hope everyone is staying warm and busy!  Here's to hoping for some decent weather soon so we can get out and enjoy it!

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Rules: YOU! Yes, you, reading this. You’re tagged. Now that you know more about me than you ever wanted to know, play the game, it’s fun! Let others know a little more about yourself, re post this as your name followed by “ology.”  (Or if you are paranoid about putting too much info out there just put "me" in the title with the "ology")


What is your salad dressing of choice?  
Blue Cheese

What is your favorite sit-down restaurant?  Darby's, Belfast, Maine

What is your favorite fast food restaurant?  
It depends on the day but usually Chick-Fil-A or McDonalds

What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of?

What are your pizza toppings of choice?
  Cheese, cheese and more cheese!

How many televisions are in your house?  

What color cell phone do you have? 


Are you right-handed or left-handed?  

Have you ever had anything removed from your body?  

What is the last heavy item you lifted?  
Nothing for a few days, I tweaked my back while sliding a box out of the way.

Have you ever been knocked unconscious?
  Only with anesthetic.

Have you ever fainted?  


If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die? 

If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
  Wouldn't change it I like my name.

How many pairs of flip flops/thongs do you own?
  Many, I love flip flops in the summer.

Last person you talked to?  



Holiday? All of them

Day of the week?



Drink? Coke

Jolly Rancher


Missing someone? 

What are you listening to?  
Caillou (I have a five year old, it can't be helped.)

What are you watching?
  Well, my daughter is watching Calliou but I wouldn't really say that I am.

Worrying about?  
Not much at the moment
What’s the last movie you saw?  At the cinema - Tangled.  At home - National Lampoons Christmas Vacation.

Do you smile often?
  Not as much as I used to.

If you could change your eye color what would it be?  
Green's the perfect color so no need to change them. 

What’s on your wish list for your birthday?  Well, since my birthday doesn't come around again for basically a year I have awhile to think about it but maybe a nice saddle.

Can you do a chin-up? 
 I have no idea.

Does the future make you more nervous or excited?

Have you been in a car wreck?  Just a fender bender

Have you caused a car wreck?

Do you have an accent?  Occasionally I slip into my Mainer accent and drop a few R's.

Last time you cried?  
Don't remember

Plans tonight?
  Not a whole heck of a lot.

Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?

Name three things you bought yesterday?  
Plant pots, my daughter's first Breyer horse, and a bang trim for my daughter and I.
Have you met someone who changed your life?
  Yes, several people

For the better or worse?  Who knows, I'll have to wait until the end to know for sure.

How did you bring in the New Year?  
That was awhile ago, I don't really remember.  Probably just fell asleep on the couch watching t.v.

Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
 I probably would, yes

What songs do you sing in the shower?  

Have you held hands with someone today?  

Who was the last person you took a picture of?  My daughter and her friends at a Christmas cookie decorating party.

Are most of the friends in your life new or old?  I would say a good combination of both.
Do you like pulpy orange juice?  Eck no, it tastes like hair!
Last time you ate peanut butter and jelly?  I don't even remember.

What were you doing at 12 a.m. last night?  Stumbling to bed after falling asleep on the couch while watching reruns of Everybody Loves Raymond.
What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?  Crap, I have a lot of cleaning to do today.

Monday, December 13, 2010


Not much going here lately.  I don't think I have been able to get a ride in since the last time I posted.  We did a ten day trip over Thanksgiving that took up a lot more time than just the ten days we were gone, what with having to get everything ready to go, unpacking when we got back and then the Christmas shopping rush.  I'm still not done with shopping for everyone.  I am getting there though.

While we were in Colorado I got to visit my favorite tack shop, Brighton Feed and Saddlery.  I love love love this place!  I haven't found another place like it here in PA.  If you are in the north Denver area and have time you should really stop in.  Unless you ride English, then you might not find much of interest.

My birthday/Christmas present for this year is an easy entry cart!  I got the harness last year for Christmas so this year I needed the cart.  Now I can continue on with the driving that I had Rosie trained to do.

It is cold and snowy in the Pittsburgh area today and is supposed to remain that way for the upcoming week.  I don't see a whole lot of riding in my future.  Just running out to kiss Rosie on the nose will probably have to be good enough!